Smart home?

I recently moved into a new home and I started to get it renovated. The first two steps were fixing the heating (I installed a evohome system and I’m very happy with it) and get some old roof Velux windows replaced as one wouldn’t open any more and another had some other problems.

Two of the windows are in the master bedroom close to the bed and the other one is in what will be the study, just on top of where a desk will be. Considering the unpredictable weather in England, I was worried that sudden rain would damage my bed and the stuff on the desk (probably a laptop).
Velux makes some automated roof windows, called Integra, that can close by themselves in case of rain, plus you can control them with a remote, you can set the blinds to open at a certain time of the day, etc.
The cost of the automated feature is small compared to the very expensive windows (roof windows are shockingly expensive compared to normal ones) and to the cost of replacing a laptop and mattress in case they get damaged by rain.

The windows seemed to work fine except from automated programs with a timer (for instance to wake you up by raising the blinds), but I assumed Velux could tell me how to fix this.
Today I came home from work and I discovered that all of the windows opened by themselves! And it was even raining!
Moreover, one of the windows damaged the insect net I got installed (mainly to keep my cat inside) by opening too much.
After this, one of the windows stopped responding to the remote control completely, see the picture below.

Velux Integra failure
The right window stopped working, the left one still works
(click for a bigger image)

Welcome to the glorious and shiny future of home automation!

Update: After spending some time resetting all the windows and controllers, I found out that probably the problem was due to a misbehaving remote controller that would just do things on its own (I watched while it was randomly and repeatedly clicking buttons on its own). The customer support at Velux was good and efficient and sent me a replacement controller.